Release Notes for: Track 'n Trend (TM) Version 3.0 (C) Copyright Sierra Software (TM) (1993-1995) Sierra Software PO Box 215081 Sacramento, Ca. 95821 (916)641-7910 This document contains release notes for version 3.0 of Sierra Software's Track 'n Trend for Windows Version 3.1 (and later). Information in this document is more current than that in the manuals, or help files. Track 'n Trend is distributed as shareware. The application is copyrighted and all rights are owned by Sierra Software. Please read the license and registration topic in the help file for more information. IMPORTANT NOTES: o Track 'n Trend must be installed via SETUP. o Read the ACCESS 2.0 Compatibility section. Minimum Requirements: o IBM-compatible PC (386 minimum). o Hard disk with 3 megabytes of free space. o Mouse, or other compatible pointing device. o VGA compatible display. o 4 megabytes of RAM. o MS-DOS 3.1 or later, MS-Windows 3.1, or later. Please see the order form (Orderfrm.wri) for registration information. You have 30 days to use Track 'n Trend without charge; for evaluation purposes. Sierra Software revises its documentation at the time the software is released for distribution. Therefore some of the information in this on-line file may already be included in your applications documentation and help files. Contents ============================================================ Part Description ---- ----------- 1 Software Installation Information 2 ACCESS 2.0 Compatibility 3 Miscellaneous Notes and Tips Part 1: Software Installation Information ============================================================ Before installing Track 'n Trend you should make backup copies of all the distribution diskettes. Also, ensure that the Windows directory, including drive letter, is in your PATH. If the drive letter is not included in your PATH statement, Track 'n Trend will be unable to determine where Windows resides. SETUP.EXE is a Windows application; that is, it is run from Windows, rather than from the DOS prompt. SETUP.EXE will only run in Windows Standard or Enhanced mode. It will not run in Real mode. You can determine how Windows is configured on your computer by choosing About from the Help menu in the Program Manager. If your PC is on a network it may be faster to copy the diskette files to your hard disk and then install the application from the hard disk. To install Track 'n Trend, use Program Manager or File Manager to start SETUP.EXE as you would any other Windows application. For example, if you are installing from drive A: 1. From the Program Manager File menu, choose Run. 2. In the Run dialog box, type A:SETUP and choose OK. Some of the files on these disks may be compressed and must be expanded before they can be used. For Track 'n Trend to work properly, you must install the files using SETUP.EXE. You cannot simply copy the files to your hard disk. Later versions of DLL's and VBX's will not be superseded by the SETUP on your system. Some problems you may encounter while installing Track 'n Trend: 1. If disk space is very low SETUP may terminate without any warning. 2. If other Visual Basic programs are running, the DLL's and VBX's may be locked preventing updating. Stop other applications before the installation process. It may be necessary to restart Windows and install Track 'n Trend before running other applications. 3. If you have DLL and VBX files 'copied' into the WINDOWS directory in addition to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory the installation of Track 'n Trend will duplicate these files to ensure that the latest versions are available. The correct directory for these files is WINDOWS\SYSTEM. 4. If the SETUP program is terminated (i.e. power failure, or diskette read error): one, or more, files being loaded might not have been completely copied. These need to be deleted before running SETUP again. Part 2: ACCESS 2.0 Compatibility ============================================================ VB 3.0 provides an ACCESS 1.1 programming interface, but not an ACCESS 2.0 interface. Track 'n Trend has been developed with VB 3.0 and therefore ACCESS 1.1. Accordingly, Track 'n Trend includes the ACCESS 1.1 DLL's: VBDB300.DLL (4/28/93), MSAES110.DLL, and MSAJT110.DLL. A 'VB 3.0 to ACCESS 2.0 Compatibility' package is available from Microsoft. This will alter existing VB 3.0 programs (through new DLL's) so that ACCESS 2.0 is the default standard. This set of DLL's includes: VBDB300.DLL (for ACCESS 2.0 dated after 4/28/93), MSAJT200.DLL, and MSAES200.DLL. These DLL's can coexist with ACCESS 1.1 except for VBDB300.DLL, which is a replacement. There are ramifications in using this 'Compatibility' software however, and each person must decide which direction is best for them. For this reason we do not 'force' this upgrade upon you. If you have decided to use the 'Compatibility' layered product, Track 'n Trend should perform without any difficulty. The 'Compatibility' layered software can be installed before, or after, the installation of Track 'n Trend. The ACCESS 2.0 version of VBDB300.DLL will not be superseded by Track 'n Trend's SETUP because it's a later version. Note that once the 'Compatibility' software is in place, all new Track 'n Trend databases will be in ACCESS 2.0 format. This includes 'compacted' databases. Some applications keep some, or all, DLL's in their directory. If you have installed another VB application that may have partially placed the 'Compatibility' software in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory (namely VBDB300.DLL) but left other DLL's in the application directory, Track 'n Trend (as well as other VB applications that use ACCESS) will malfunction with an error message that a DLL cannot be found. This can be confusing because one cannot easily determine which VBDB300.DLL is currently being used (in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory). To help eliminate confusion the Track 'n Trend SETUP program will check the completeness of the required ACCESS DLL's. If a problem is detected a message will be displayed informing you to manually review the DLL's. The easiest corrective action is to rename, or delete, VBDB300.DLL in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory and rerun the Track 'n Trend SETUP program. If you have any questions, please contact us at: 916-641-7910, or CIS: 73444, 2737 ( Part 3: Miscellaneous Notes and Tips ============================================================ 1. Use the REVIEW to get familiar with the application. 2. Please read the license agreement. 3. Please register and let us know what you like about Track 'n Trend; and what could make it better. 4. Track 'n Trend creates ACCESS database files (mdb's). If an mdb becomes corrupt it must be repaired and compacted before using it. Thank you!